"My Garden which has been created and grown slowly over a period of time but
without negligence in any way..."
Claude Monet

I am very happy, that you have found your way into my small but colourful little Garden and hope you will enjoy the various Pages. Here, you will find some rather interesting Information of Burmese Cats and a collection of things, which have a very special meaning to me. It is by no means completed and of course, never perfect, but I am trying to do my best?:-)

Please let me know, if there is something, that you may wish to have changed, if there is something which you may think of , should be more detailed or supplemented. I shall be only too glad about further ideas, stimulation, personal opinion and critic, the last must not necessarily be nasty or destructive.
You can write your comments to me either by a "polite hint" in my guestbook or send me an e-mail.

hoping you will enjoy my Pages


This site was created by me with love in October 2000. Nothing on this page is available for download! All scripts used on this site came from Lissa Explains it All & Dynamic Drive, All graphics are Copyright protected, all rights reserved. It is the kindness of the graphics artists that allows us to decorate our sites using their talented artwork, please respect copyright and do not take! Thank you!