Pedigree cats - yes or no?...
Everyone must decide for themselves, if he/she wants a Cat from an Animal Shelter, a Farm Cat or if they want to give a home to a Pedigree Cat. Each and everyone MUST personally decide for her/himself about this. There is always a reason why he/she will have a Pedigree Cat or not. I just want to point out this much. The value of this Cat/kitten is NOT how much it has cost, BUT, its existence as a live-animal. If it`s a case of a Pedigree Cat, it is NOT meant purely as a Status Symbol or to raise ones personal Ego. Pedigree Cats are NOT meant to be a prestige object or to be used as a decoration article in someones home. If thinking of taking in a Farm Cat, it needs as much consideration as buying a Pedigree kitten. As for the animal itself, it does not matter at all, if he/she has a Pedigree of the highest Royalty among Pedigree Cats or just a Farmers Cat that was raised in a heystack on a Farm. Their demands for love and attention are no less to any Pedigree Cat !